Symbolic links are simple and can save you time.
Here's all you need to know:
ln -s actual_file_or_directory new_symbolic_link_name
Let's do a real example from your home directory:
ln -s /var/www/html/yourwebsiteroot/yourblog blog
Now when you login to your server you can just type "cd blog" to access the "/var/www/html/yourwebsiteroot/yourblog" folder.
Here's one more example from your home directory:
ln -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf httpd.conf
Now you can just type "vim httpd.conf" and edit your httpd.conf file quicker.
You can do all kinds of neat things with symlinks, but the simplest uses are often the ones you'll use most. (One of the cooler uses of symlinks is for deploying different versions of websites).
Aliases are another great time saver.